Monday 4 February 2013

Jonah @ 18

 February 2, 2013, Velada Estate, Antipolo City

Went to my high school BFF's debut last Saturday with my high school friends. It's nice catching up with them! Made me miss our kulitans, foodtrips and asaran moments more. :-( Nyaha. Anyway! Here are some of the pictures from her party. Will add more photos as soon as the photos from the official photographer's out!  

With the "artista" and the "Baguio girl" HAHAHA
With the another BFF, Queency! She looks good in her blue cocktail gown, right? :)
With my another "BFF" Audrei! He's not my high school friend though. :) 
Lady, Sarah, Queency and Me (Like my hair here!)
Jeje pose
Lady, Sarah, Queency, Me, Isab, Ynah & Jana
 What can you say about my dress? :D

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