Monday 25 March 2013

Jaki's 18th Surprise Birthday Party

So I planned a surprise for my Best Sister In Christ since she doesn't have any plans for her birthday last March 23rd. Can I be sweet to her even just once a year? Haha! 

Here's the video of our surprise! Didn't know we could sing that good. Hihi

Went swimming with Aren, Jamie &  Pau at their village's clubhouse right after eating.

Forgive our jeje-ness

the birthday girl!

Thanks to everyone who helped me with this surprise! It wouldn't be a success if not for your help, churchmates & friends! 

Concrete Jungle Where Dreams Are Made Of

New York. The city that never sleeps. The most popular metropolitan cities of the world. This city is magical when it comes to business, commerce, finance, art, fashion, media, etc.. The city has amazing historical backgrounds that includes wars, freedoms, tragedies, and much more.

The city of my dreams. The city I've been dying to go to since high school. Oh, the city lights at night made me fall in love in this place. And of course the Statue of Liberty, too! Wait for me, NYC! I'll be there in 3-4 years! ♥

Grr Drink

The commercial we did for our major subject last second sem. Such cray cray groupmates I have!

Saturday 2 March 2013

Honey Bee

 What I wore to Dae's 18th @ Area 05 Superclub last February 23rd. :-) 

*Sorry feeler :-(*